Organizational Consulting
The BMG team utilizes its understanding of human behavior across the lifespan to inform consulting services and programming for organizations, with the goal of optimizing the capacity of an organization to reach its full potential. Specific areas of focus for organizational consulting include:
Mental health consultation in early childcare centers can be implemented in either of two ways:
(a) Child/Family Centered Consultation Approach – This involves the center’s staff seeking consultation due to their concerns regarding the behavior and/or learning of a child. The primary goal of this type of consultation is to develop a plan to address both the factors that contribute to a child’s difficulties in functioning well in the early childhood setting and the family’s role.
(b) Program-Focused Consultation – Typically, within this consultation approach, the primary goal is prevention. Hence, the consultant will work collaboratively with the program/center to identify specific issues within the overall program. With this method, typically the mental health consultant will engage both the staff and families to design an intervention plan focused on an agreed upon issue.
Early Childcare Mental
Health Consultation

Adjusting to the demands of college can be quite daunting for many students. However, for student athletes, college adjustment and navigation can be even more challenging given the intense rigor of their sports programs while balancing the academic rigor of their courses.
To help mitigate such challenges, BMG works collaboratively with college/university athletic departments to develop various programs, resources and services designed to address the mental health concerns of this unique student population and with the goal of optimizing their performance and academic potential.
Mental Health Consultation for College/University Student Athlete Programs

2795 Main Street West, Building 19B,
Snellville, Georgia 30078
701 Bluebird Boulevard,
Fort Valley, Georgia 31030
(770) 686-3908
Mental Health Consultation for Educational Institutions Buffering Burnout
Burnout, which has been defined as a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion resulting from persistent stress, has been an ongoing serious problem for many educators (Blazer, 2010). Prior to the pandemic, teachers were experiencing burnout due to the increase in job demands, minimal administrative support, and stagnating salary increases (Blazer, 2010).
With the onset of the pandemic where there was an abrupt change in school routine as well as an increase in workload responsibilities coupled with lost learning of students, more intense student mental health concerns, and lowered academic motivation, the prevalence of teacher burnout became even more salient.
When burnout persists, it can have significant consequences for the workplace such as frequent absenteeism, employee leave of absence, and/or employee resignation. To help mitigate the experience of burnout for educators and other front-line professionals, the Buffering Burnout program developed by Behavioral Management Group, LLC has been created. This program aims to do the following:
(a) To identify warning signs of burnout
(b) To identify contributing factors for front-line professional burnout
(c) To learn helpful interventions that reduce the severity of burnout